Monday, 23 December 2024

Gunn controls

The very best DC movies are Zack Snyder’s new classics, leading to his 4-hour epic JUSTICE LEAGUE. I doubt James Gunn will ever improve on MAN OF STEEL because their approaches to comicbook material seem to be from opposite directions. Snyder treats all the fantasy and sci-fi combo for superheroes quite seriously (as it should be, I think, since that’s the most difficult adaptation). He turns colourful costumes and juvenile humour into dramatic action scenes.

Having re-watched Marvel's GOTG 3 and Gunn’s DC sequel THE SUICIDE SQUAD, it’s clear that when he's not making the fantastical horrors of ultra-violence look too ridiculously cartoonish for comfort, Gunn prefers genre TV soap opera, with enough garish or cloying sentimentality to make even Disney fans squirm. Gunn eagerly pokes fun at the conventions of superheroic adventure, while Snyder promotes its traditional inspirational qualities. There’s nothing much in the new SUPERMAN teaser that we haven’t already seen from this media franchise, except perhaps that a whole bunch of other DC heroes - Supergirl, Green Lantern, Mr Terrific, Hawkgirl, Metamorpho, etc. - could relegate Superman to a mere guest-star in his own movie. And, it's quite funny how the new SUPERMAN movie's Krypto looks more like Snowy from TINTIN, than Superdog from TV show TITANS.