Monday, 12 March 2018


Watched the MYTHICA series of movies. The first two were directed by Anne Black, and they both offer Tolkien-inspired fantasy tropes, with a serious tone that elevates the material from low-budget familiarity to a level where characters emerge from the shadows of genre clichés. 

The later pictures by other (male) directors, tend to lapse into 1980s styled genre adventures that are charming with plenty of witty fun stuff going on. Enemies of the heroes range from giant monsters like dragons and ogres, to scenery-chewing villains like pirates or zombies. 

Sometimes,  cheesy qualities of the later movies lack the mythical import of Black's more traditionalist, yet wholly original, efforts. Melanie Stone is nearly great as the magic, ultimately tragic, heroine Merak.

A fight to the death at the end of the world!

Mythica: A Quest For Heroes (2014)
Mythica: The Darkspore (2015)
Mythica: The Necromancer (2015)
Mythica: The Iron Crown (2016)
Mythica: The Dragon Slayer (aka: Mythica: The Godslayer, 2016)

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